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    Making Your Choice: The Art of Decision-Making

    Life is constant change that is dictated by the decisions you make. Chances are that you are dealing with, or recently dealt with, making a difficult decision. It’s about understanding the situation and the most likely outcomes, and how they align with your needs. Often making the tough decisions is the result of your desire for two separate outcomes. Decision making is something that you can improve on. Continue reading to find out you can improve this skill. 


    The Decision Making Process

    Steps in the Decision Making Process

    When faced with a situation, the decision making process should be done so in a structured manner. This framework involves several steps that should help you through the process.

    1. Identifying the Decision: The first step is recognizing that a decision needs to be made. This involves understanding the problem or opportunity and defining the decision clearly. For example, deciding where to live and your new roommates.
    2. Gathering Information: Collect all relevant information related to the decision. The goal here should be to understand the situation completely from all sides. This can include gathering data, facts, opinions, and other resources that will help you understand the situation better.
    3. Considering Alternatives: Identify all possible options available and think about how each one feels. Consider making a list of pros and cons, and raking which parameters are most important for you. Brainstorming and listing out different courses of action can also help in this stage. It’s essential to be open minded to consider even unconventional options.
    4. Taking Action: Choose the option that best for you, and stick with it. Plan the necessary steps to move forward and put the decision into action. 

    Decision Making Models

    Different decision making models can be used depending on the context and nature of the decision. Here are some of the most commonly used models:

    1. Rational Decision Making Model: This model is based on a logical, step-by-step approach to decision making. It is based on thorough analysis and objective evaluation of alternatives. The process follows the steps outlined above and is ideal for complex decisions requiring detailed analysis.
    2. Intuitive Decision Making Model: This model relies on intuition and gut feelings rather than structured analysis. It is often used in situations where quick decisions are needed, and there isn’t enough time for a thorough analysis. Experienced professionals often use intuition developed over years of practice.
    3. Recognition-Primed Decision Model: This model combines intuition and analysis. It is used in high-pressure situations where decisions need to be made quickly. The decision maker recognizes patterns and uses their experience to make quick, effective decisions.


    Tools and Techniques for Better Decision Making

    Analytical Tools

    Using analytical tools can significantly enhance the quality of your decisions. These tools help in systematically evaluating options and understanding their potential impacts. Here are some of the most effective analytical tools:

    1. SWOT Analysis: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This tool helps in understanding the internal and external factors that can influence your decision.
    2. Decision Matrix Analysis: Also known as the Pugh method, this tool helps in comparing different options by evaluating them against a set of criteria. Each option is scored, and the total scores are compared to determine the best choice.
    3. Cost-Benefit Analysis: This tool involves comparing the costs and benefits of different options. It helps in understanding the financial implications and identifying the most economically viable option.


    Creative Techniques

    Creativity plays a crucial role in decision making, especially when conventional methods don’t yield satisfactory results. Here are some creative techniques that can help:

    • Brainstorming: This technique involves generating a large number of ideas in a short period. It encourages free thinking and avoids criticism during the idea generation phase. After generating ideas, they can be evaluated and refined.
    • Mind Mapping: Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps in organizing and connecting ideas. It starts with a central concept and branches out into related subtopics. This technique is useful for exploring all aspects of a decision and identifying new connections.

    Improving Your Decision Making Skills

    Self-Reflection and Self-Awareness

    Improving decision making skills starts with understanding oneself. Self reflecting is key. Knowing yourself, your tendencies, and your needs dramatically simplifies decision making as a whole. If you know yourself, everything else will fall into place.


    Understanding Your Decision Making Style: Everyone has a unique decision making style influenced by their personality, experiences, and values.

    • Analytical: Prefers detailed data and thorough analysis. Takes time to evaluate all options.
    • Intuitive: Relies on gut feelings and instincts. Makes quick decisions based on experience.
    • Directive: Focuses on efficiency and quick resolution. Prefers structured, clear-cut solutions.
    • Behavioral: Considers the impact on people and values consensus. Seeks input from others.

    Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses: To improve decision making, it’s essential to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on past decisions and assess what worked well and what didn’t. Consider asking yourself:

    • What are my typical decision making habits?
    • How do I handle stress and pressure during decision making?
    • Do I rely more on logic or emotions when making decisions?



    Decision making is something that everyone has to do, and the choices we make impact every aspect of our lives. By understanding yourself and the decision making process, utilizing various tools and techniques, you can make more informed and effective decisions. Remember, the journey to becoming a better decision maker is ongoing. Embrace the process, learn from your experiences, and stay committed to continuous improvement.

    By implementing the strategies and insights shared in this guide, you will be better equipped to tackle decisions with confidence and clarity. Good luck on your journey to mastering decision making!


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